Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Where has the summer gone? When we re-vamped our Web site, a staff member suggested adding a blog. She said, "C'mon JP! You're a writer!" As is obvious, I have been remiss about posting regularly. I've been so focused on editing some fabulous books and articles, and creating Web sites for truly talented folks that my blog got pushed to the back, back burner. I had agreed to post quarterly. But then, March became September... very quickly. Like most writers, I, too, fall prey to procrastination. Today I decided to re-commit and share a short story via a post. One of "our" writers is a professor at the University of Richmond. She is, of course, incredibly busy and very bright. She has a full schedule of teaching and is also tending to her family: a husband and two sweet daughters, while writing her first book. As her writing coach and editor, I had to devise a way to keep her moving forward with writing the book, while still allowing "real life" to "get in the way." (smile) Instead of feeling pressured to write chapters, I asked her to respond to two questions each week. We'll take her responses, organize them, and then turn them into chapters. It will happen--step by step. So, if you can't seem to maintain your momentum on a (writing) project, break your assignment(s) into smaller, more manageable ones and proceed--with consistency, daily. It's harder to procrastinate if you convert big tasks into smaller ones. Her book is now coming along quite nicely. And importantly, we are having fun in the process. If you can relate, consider reading Anne Lamott's book, Bird By Bird. It's time for me to re-read that as well...